Category: Uncategorized

  • Insights from Making Quick Beats

    It’s useful to spend some time making little beats (Li’l beats) and getting your core music production skills locked in. I recently spent a week or so and made 51 quick beats to explore different BPMs and work on finding nice grooves that I like. I created beats in every BPM between 90 and 140…

  • Glide in Various Software Synths

    Introduction Glide is a great way to add some movement to a bass or sub that isn’t already there. Glide is also a great way to ensure that your bass / sub-bass notes hit the sweet spot on speaker targets by covering a broad range of frequencies at once. For glide, you will need to…

  • Wooting Analog Keyboard and MIDI Velocity

    The Wooting Analog keyboard is unique in that instead of plain old on/off switches it has analog switches on the keys that capture a range of input. The keyboard (typing not midi) also has some sick lights if you’re into that sort of thing. In the following video you can see me using it to…

  • Performance tuning for Ableton in Windows

    Performance tuning for Ableton in Windows

    Background I wrote about finding fast computers for music production but what if you have a fast computer that still doesn’t feel very fast? In this post, I’ll cover some tools and strategies that are useful for performance tuning when you have a fast computer but are experiencing less-than-expected performance. Initial sanity checks on your…

  • Hiding Ableton analysis files (.asd) in Windows

    A friend of mine recently asked me if it is possible to hide the Ableton analysis files – those .asd ones – in Windows because they can clutter your sample folders while you’re trying to manage them. I immediately assumed there was a way to easily filter these files in Windows – like setting a…

  • It’s not a thing (it is though)

    It’s not a thing (it is though)

    I just released a new track titled “It’s not a thing (it is though)” and I feel like you learn something new every time you release. I’m not sure what I’ve learned this time but at a minimum I was surprised that SoundCloud distribute doesn’t push the track to SoundCloud? Is that right? Well, the…

  • Using so-vits to synthesize voices

    Notes on how to use a helpful Python library for training singing voice models that transform a source voice into a target voice.

  • Making Backups – the boring stuff producers should do

    Overview As a producer, you will spend years accumulating a library of resources that make your life easier. Losing those resources in the event of catastrophe is a tremendous setback that I hope you never go through. To prevent this from happening, every producer should employ a backup strategy that is redundant but that also…

  • 3 ways of doing “quick masters”

    Background Oftentimes when getting feedback on music that you’re working on, you will upload it to a streaming service like Soundcloud and share it for feedback. When you’re first doing this you’ll probably encounter the problem where relative to other tracks, your track sounds weak and quiet. Because our ears tend to hear louder things…

  • G.A.N. track released!

    This track is about the emerging role of ML/AI in humanity. While making the track I was learning new tools for creation built with machine learning / artificial intelligence and the experience gave me pause until I leaned into them. I have seen artists become fearful from their experiences with ML but I personally find…